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06th Mar 2016

PICS: Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor’s battle-savaged faces prove they poured every drop of themselves into their fight

Hard going

Patrick McCarry

Conor McGregor and Nate Diaz held up post-event media proceedings for several minutes as they had their wounds attended to.

Diaz, who submitted McGregor in the second round, looked the worse for wear but he certainly wore it well.

The Californian now looks set to face Rafael Dos Anjos for the UFC lightweight belt, while McGregor anticipates a drop to defend his featherweight title.

“I’m simply heartbroken,” McGregor admitted.

If nothing else, the faces of both men proved that they did not back down in their main event bout for a single second.


Conor McGregor face

McGregor’s injuries will heal in time but the stinging pain of defeat will take some time to shake.