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02nd Jun 2015

BBC compares football brawl to MMA, so UFC hits back with brilliant response…

Great counter from the UFC has BBC on the ropes...


Whoever runs the UFC’s twitter account, earned their crust with this  phenomenal reply.

BBC Sport tagged the UFC in a tweet sharing their story on Rangers’ Bilel Mohsni losing the plot and attacking Motherwell’s Lee Erwin.

The BBC’s tweet suggested that the repugnant violent outburst from the Rangers was comparable to something you might see inside an Octagon during an MMA fight.

MMA took the best part of a decade to break free from the “human cock-fighting” tag from the “no-holds barred” days of its early incarnation.

Dana White and his merry band of Zuffa big wigs spent a lot of time (and money) reforming MMA and transforming it into a legitimate sport.

The UFC twitter account responded to the tweet in style while letting them know they don’t take too kindly to having their sport compared to an utterly contemptible act on a football pitch.

Pure class.

