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20th Apr 2016

Watch Dana White respond to the shock Conor McGregor retirement news

Tony Cuddihy

The UFC President spoke on ESPN’s SportsCenter about Conor McGregor and the fact that the Irish fighter won’t compete at UFC 200.

“We pulled Conor McGregor from UFC200,” he said. “We’re working on other fights right now. Conor did not want to come to Las Vegas and film the commercial or be a part of any of the marketing that we have.

“He’s in Iceland training and it’s not possible.

“This only happened one other time in UFC history, when Nick Diaz didn’t show up for the press conference for the fight against Georges St-Pierre, and I pulled Nick Diaz from the fight.

“We’ve had other instances like this where guys didn’t want to do the press conference. You have to.”

White then addressed the subject of McGregor’s retirement tweet.

“Is Conor McGregor retiring? I don’t know. Only he can answer that question.”

The full interview is fascinating…