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21st Apr 2016

The Conor McGregor retirement plot thickens with this deleted tweet

Does *anyone* know what's going on?

Simon Lloyd

And with one tweet, Conor McGregor was gone.

Not dead, just retired, but nevertheless it was still quite a shock.

Days later, and we’re still trying to make sense of what the hell is actually going on. Has he *really* called time on his career at the tender age of 27?

Despite plenty of assurances that this is end of the Irishman’s MMA career, it seems plenty of folk are convinced that it’s just a temporary thing and that he’ll go back on his word.

Adding to the mystery, McGregor tweeted the following on Wednesday night, only to quickly delete it just seconds later.


What such an announcement might have been about is unclear, as are McGregor’s reasons for hastily getting rid of it.

The tweet followed confirmation that McGregor will not fight at UFC 200 and the news that some bookies have him down as being more likely to embark on a career in WWE than returning to the Octagon.

One thing’s for sure, we’ve certainly not heard the last of this one.