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24th Apr 2016

Over-excited Arsenal fans go crazy as Jack Wilshere returns to the match-day squad

Could he have a big part to play in the season's final weeks?

Simon Lloyd

There’s not been much to shout about in for Arsenal fans lately.

Out of the Champions League at the hands of Barcelona, an FA Cup exit thanks to Watford, and yet another implosion in their title challenge.

It’s ignited the debate amongst Gooners as to whether Arsene Wenger is past his sell-by date…

But as the club seek to seal fourth place a place in the Premier League’s top four, there was finally reason for optimism.

Having fracturing his fubula in pre-season, Jack Wilshere was named on the Arsenal bench for their game at Sunderland – potentially on the brink of his first minutes of football this season.

Starved of good news in recent weeks, perhaps it wasn’t too surprising to see Arsenal fans failing to keep a lid on their excitement…

Some predicted a wonder-strike to mark his return…

Others just used it as an opportunity to take a swipe at Cesc Fabregas…

And some were even looking ahead to Wilshere making it back into the England fold

It was also a time to reflect on Wilshere’s past glories…