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10th May 2016

WWE wrestler Kane looked way different back in the ’90s

Well, that's...different

Carl Anka

Throughout the years, Kane has been one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE.

First debuting at pay per view event Bad Blood in 1997, Kane interrupted the main event Hell In The Cell match between Shawn Michaels and his brother the Undertaker.

The match itself is a five-star classic match that anyone with a WWE Network subscription should watch immediately. Kane enters the match by ripping off the door to the cage to tombstone piledriver the Undertaker.

From that incredible entry, Kane has one of the most storied careers out in WWE history. Kane is a two-time world heavyweight champion and a 12-time world tag time champion.

He’s a shoe-in for the Hall Of Fame when he retires.

He also used to be an evil dentist.

Presenting… Dr. Isaac Yankem

Issac Yankem

Yes, that’s Kane as an evil dentist.

While the character of Kane debuted in 1997, two years earlier, a certain Glenn Thomas Jacobs started wrestling in the WWE (then the WWF) as evil dentist Isaac Yankem (geddit? Yank ‘Em).

Best buds with Jerry “The King” Lawler, Isaac was a baddy who had a short feud with Brett Hart.

Results were… mixed to say the least.

Dr. Isaac Yankem is just one chapter in the illustrious career of the character who would become Kane. After first debuting as a mute giant, Kane would eventually begin to talk, before eventually unmasking in 2003.

After wrestling for a few years without a mask, Kane would eventually don a mask again in 2011 where he soon started a Tag Team with fan favourite Daniel Bryan.

In a nice twist, to reflect Glenn Thomas Jacobs’ growing political career, there was also a nice period where Kane became “Corporate Kane”, working as “Director of Operations” for WWE in 2013-2015.

Corporate Kane

Either way, we still love him. The Big Red Machine along with his brother Undertaker have been behind some of the finest and most memorable storylines in WWE history.

(Just try to forget about Katie Vick, eh?)


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