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25th May 2016

Arsenal’s Twitter account mocks impatient fans with Granit Xhaka announcement

Well played.

Simon Lloyd

Football fans are an impatient bunch at the best of times, but when it comes to waiting for a transfer to be done, they’re at their worst.

One of the more annoying trends in recent years has been to bombard official club Twitter accounts with tweets that demand the signature of a particular players.

At this time of year especially, it’s impossible for a club to send a tweet without receiving a volley of ‘Announce <insert rumoured transfer target here>’ replies.

Mainly it’s players….

But sometimes the tweets are reserved for managers…

No matter what the context of the club’s original tweet is, it will always provoke similar replies. Even when a club tries to plug a bloody Bruce Springsteen gig, there’s no escape.

With their transfer of the superbly named Granit Xhaka nearing its completion, Arsenal’s Twitter account was being pummelled with ‘Announce Xhaka’ replies every time they sent a tweet.

So, before the actually announced the signing of the Swiss midfieder, they did this…


And after re-tweeting a series of ‘announce Xhaka’ tweets, they followed it up with the *actual* announcement of Xhaka.

Very well played indeed.

To whoever’s responsible for this, we doth our caps to you.