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08th Jun 2016

It might be time to move Joe Hart into midfield after this rabona nutmeg

Did he mean it?

Tom Victor

Regular followers of England’s football team will know subtle skill and deftness of touch aren’t too common on these shores.

That explains why we have a tendency to get over-excited about anyone who pulls off a nutmeg or a rabona, let alone both in one fell swoop.

It doesn’t matter if they’re inconsistent or even plain bad, so Joe Hart being a goalkeeper shouldn’t stand in the way of us marvelling at his abilities with ball-at-feet.

Try to watch this rabona nutmeg just once. It’s impossible. Even Daniel Sturridge is impressed, to the point that he can’t quite believe what he’s just seen.

It looks like Hart has been learning from club team-mate David Silva in Manchester City’s training sessions, and who can blame him?

Is it too late to put Fraser Forster between the sticks and give Hartdog an outfield berth?

Managers have experimented with their squads far later in the day, so we don’t see why not.

Sure, someone would have to make way, but honestly what does Wayne Rooney have that Joe Hart doesn’t?

He hasn’t nutmegged an opponent in a good five years, we’d wager. Not deliberately, at least.

Read our interview with Joe Hart ahead of England’s opening Euro 2016 game against Russia on Saturday.