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15th Jun 2016

Have you noticed something different about Wayne Rooney’s face?

Something's up...

Nooruddean Choudry

Wayne Rooney is no stranger to cosmetic enhancement.

The England captain openly admits that he has undertaken hair transplants to reverse the effects of male-pattern baldness. In fact, his openness about the follicle procedures is kind of refreshing.

“Some blokes don’t mind their hair receding and they’re fine with it. But I’ll admit I used to stare at myself in the morning and think ‘Bloody hell, you’re going bald and you’re only a young lad’

“It’s a transplant, bits of hair taken from the back of my head and surgically stuck to the front. Despite the comments in a few magazines and the jokes from mates, I think it looks alright.”

It is perhaps hyperbole to suggest that Rooney is a pioneer in male beautification, but he is surely the most well-known British man to undertake such a corrective course of action. Perhaps he even inspired a few blokes out there to get proactive and do likewise.

But now, many think they’ve spotted another artificial enhancement to the 30-year-old’s distinctive features. Mirroring his general play of late, there seems to be less movement in parts of Rooney’s face. His forehead in particular looks to have fewer lines than The Revenant.

Has Manchester United’s Red Devil gone all Real Housewives of Orange County? Is he pumping his fod full of more botox than your average Kardashian? Or perhaps he is just a lot less stressed these days, what with Louis van Gaal vacating the Old Trafford hot seat.

Whatever the truth, a lot of people think he’s had botox…

So, it’s probably either botox or he’s discovered the secret to anti-ageing – either way is fine by us.

Just… try and score against Wales, please.