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19th Jun 2016

Paddy Jackson’s rip on Sia Kolisi is candy from a baby stuff

Exceptional defence

Patrick McCarry

Siya Kolisi is getting harassed by “wee” Paddy Jackson.

Last week, after Ireland’s First Test victory over South Africa, we marvelled at Jackson bouncing right back up after a coming together with the Springbok flanker so he could rejoin the defensive line.

During the Second Test, at Ellis Park, the Ulster outhalf went one better.

With the Springboks pressing for an early score, 6-foot-2 Kolisi bulled towards the Irish twenty-two. Quinn Roux went low while 5-foot-10 Jackson did the rest. He was brave in standing up to Kolisi and ripped the ball away from his clutches to claim a crucial turnover.

Jackson Kolisi

Jackson made 13 tackles during Ireland’s win, last week. He is well on his way to matching that while kicking smartly out of hand and being accurate off the tee.

Ireland lead 19-3 at the break, with Jackson contributing 14 points.