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30th Jun 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo spits perfectly-formed Euro 2016 logo on live TV

The miracle of Marseille...

Simon Lloyd

Cristiano Ronaldo has been around a good while now.

In that time, we’ve come to learn that, for all the vanity and sulkiness, he’s capable of some truly remarkable things on a football field.

He’s always been ridiculously skilful, but in his latter years at Manchester United and throughout his time with Real Madrid, we’ve seen what a ruthless goal scorer he is.

But what he achieved in a game against Poland in Marseille on the last day of June 2016 is quite possibly his most remarkable feat to date.

With the camera lens fixing on the Portuguese number seven’s face, he spat. Remarkably, the ejected saliva of the multi Ballon D’Or winner produced a perfectly-formed Euro 2016 logo.

Can Messi do that? We seriously doubt it.

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