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02nd Jul 2016

Watch the first trailer for the brand new series of Robot Wars

Metal mayhem

Matt Tate

The launch trailer for the all-new series of Robot Wars has just landed.

Anticipation has been steadily building ever since it was announced that presenters Dara O Briain and Angela Scanlon would be bringing back the iconic show which had such a devoted following back in the early noughties.

The suitably dramatic slow-mo trailer has all the fire, metal-crushing collisions and general mechanical carnage that you’d expect from Robot Wars, and ends with the tagline: no machine is safe. We don’t doubt that.

The BBC recently showed off their upgraded house robots, and it looks like the Matilda, Dead Metal, Shunt and Sir Killalot of 2016 are going to be giving contestants a harder time than ever.

The revamped Robot Wars is due to air later this summer.


Robot Wars