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15th Jul 2016

Young American West Ham fan turns up to support the team in an Aston Villa shirt

Worthy of David Cameron.

Simon Lloyd

Go easy on him, he’s only a kid.

After all, confusing your footballing allegiances between West Ham and Aston Villa is a mistake any one of us could make – even a recently-resigned Prime Minister. Isn’t that right Dave?

West Ham are currently on the other side of the pond as they gear up for the new season, and on Tuesday they faced Carolina Railhawks in their final match of their tour.

Ahead of the game, West Ham’s official Twitter account shared a few pictures of the excited crowd, all decked out in the club’s famous claret and blue colours.

However, as pointed out by several eagle-eyed viewers of the tweet – a young supporter that featured in one of the snaps was actually sporting a Villa shirt.

Although we’re not in the business of mocking a child who probably didn’t fully understand the significance of wearing one English team’s shirt while watching another English team play, it didn’t take long for the predictable ‘only in America’ / ‘typical West Ham’ responses…

Poor kid. We’re sure if West Ham get wind of this they’ll send him a new shirt… unless he genuinely is a Villa fan, that is. In which case, well played, kid.
