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27th Jul 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo’s luxury blanket launch gets a mixed response

Blanket coverage

Tom Victor

Imagine being a world-famous footballer and wanting honest reactions to a new product launch.

Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the hardest-working men in the world when it comes to getting his name out there. Which is strange, considering there can’t be too many people who aren’t aware of him.

No, we’re not talking about the recently announced Cristiano Ronaldo Airport in Madeira.

We had this.

And this.

And who could forget this?

His latest endorsement is altogether more refined, with the Euro 2016 winner announcing the unveiling of a luxury blanket range.

Don’t pretend you needed to ask whether his name was on there.

We feel sorry for Cristiano, though.

After sending the tweet (and we can only assume he sent it himself, the perfectionist that he is), he will have wanted to find out how well-received the blanket range was amongst his fans.

And sure, he got a fair bit of praise.

As well as some constructive feedback.

But mostly it was stuff like this.

We’ll never fully understand the world of Ronaldo and Messi fans. And, quite frankly, we’re not sure we even want to.

Want to win a free TV or iPad (no Cristiano luxury blankets yet, unfortunately)? Enter the draw to win one by taking part in this quick survey.