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05th Aug 2016

Ranieri has hilarious response to Leicester owners buying each player a £100k luxury car

What a guy

Nooruddean Choudry

We’ll take this over a slice of pizza any day.

Claudio Ranieri may have bribed his players with his country’s most famous dish on their way to last season’s historic Premier League title, but we think their latest reward may just have topped a free BOGOF Dominos voucher.

Each remaining member of the title winning squad were greeted with a luxury car worth £100,000 each as they returned to training ahead of their Community Shield clash with Manchester United on Sunday, courtesy of the club’s Thai owners.

Nineteen brand new BMW i8s in Leicester City blue certainly made for quite a spectacle at the club’s training complex, but it was no more than they deserved for their miraculous achievements last term. But what of the manager? Did he get one?

Sadly not.

When quizzed about the top-end Beemer snub, the always entertaining Ranieri was in top form, feigning mock anger and demanding that Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha and co answer for his exclusion from their very expensive giveaway.

“I don’t know, I don’t know. There is some gift? Only for them? Not for me? Unbelievable!” he exclaimed, before adding, “I want to speak with my owner!”

When asked whether he’d be getting a car of own, he continued, “I don’t know, I don’t know. It’s true? I don’t know…”

If he manages to win the Foxes any further silverware this coming season, we wouldn’t be surprised if he was granted his own fleet, as well as a personal jet and holiday island of his choice.
