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09th Aug 2016

Gary Lineker has really changed his tune about Paul Pogba

He's backtracking...

Kevin Beirne

Gary Lineker is one of the most well-respected pundits in English football.

Regardless of your personal opinion on the man, you’ve got to admit that at the very least his word carries a lot of weight to the average fan, as he shares it with viewers all over the country each week on Match of the Day.

With the new season now just around the corner, the former Leicester City striker has been talking about the hottest topic among English football fans – and no, we don’t mean the news that Rachel Riley will be hosting the Premier League on Sky Sports.

Lineker – like many others – has been sharing his opinion on the return of Paul Pogba to Old Trafford.

The Frenchman will arrive with a world-record transfer price tag, something which the former England international believes could bring about a sea-change in world football, bringing about a new era of English dominance.

And while Lineker’s assessment of Pogba as a ‘star in his prime’ is certainly flattering, it’s not too long ago that he was singing off a different hymn sheet about the former Juventus midfielder.

On June 26, as France came from a goal down to beat the Republic of Ireland in their Euro 2016 second round tie, Lineker was clearly not impressed with the latest addition to Jose Mourinho’s squad. Rather than labelling him a superstar of world football, the MOTD host asked his followers if Pogba wasn’t just a bit…overrated?

Not a whole lot has changed in the month and a half since asking that question, but who’s to say he didn’t just go back and watch some old Pogba tapes and revise his opinion?

Or maybe he was scared off by Pogba’s agent.

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