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14th Jul 2015

UFC’s undefeated champion Ronda Rousey looks an absolute beast in sparring session (Video)

He's an Octo-goner...

Ben Kenyon

Nobody can get near undefeated UFC champion Ronda Rousey inside the cage.

If she doesn’t punch your lights out, she’ll choke you out on the ground.

Many top female fighters have found this out the hard way inside the Octagon…but today it was this bloke’s turn.

Bantamweight champ Rousey, who is deep in training for her UFC showdown with Bethe Correia on August 1, was staying sharp with some sparring…and needed a volunteer.

She unloaded a lightning-quick five-punch combo on the chap, before taking him to the ground and submitting him.

Now we know why he’s wearing a head guard…we’d have probably put on a full Kevlar body suit if it was us.

H/T Training World