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13th Aug 2016

People are absolutely loving this pointlessly flamboyant refereeing from Mike Dean

He's back

Matt Tate

The Premier League season is officially underway, and we’ve already seen the Champions of England go down 2-1 to literally everyone’s relegation favourites Hull City.

But all of that is far less important than the fact that undisputed king of the celebrity referees, Mike Dean, has already been showing off for the cameras.

Dean has never been one for no-nonsense officiating; he needs more. Everyone will recall the time the 48-year-old accidentally wheeled away in celebration after Tottenham took the lead against Aston Villa last season.

Before a ball was even kicked in today’s opening fixture, the official was at it again. There’s just something about the way he takes the ball. If you know Mike Dean, you’ll know what we’re getting at.

And then later in the game came this, the most sensationally extravagant advantage signal you’re likely to see this season from anyone other than the man himself. We can’t have anyone thinking that a potentially huge moment in the game is about the players and not the guy with the whistle in his mouth.

It’s surely only a matter of time before ‘Dean-cam’ becomes a thing. Endless entertainment for the whole family. Or not.

Read more from SportsJOE:




Mike Dean