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23rd Sep 2016

Watch as the Fulham boss smashes ball straight into the face of an unsuspecting player

Caught cold.

Simon Lloyd

Young Cauley Woodrow isn’t having the best of weeks.

The 21-year-old had his penalty saved while playing for Fulham in their EFL game at home to Bristol City on Wednesday night, before seeing the visitors win the game at the death through Tammy Abraham’s 90th minute winner.

On Friday, ahead of this weekend’s Championship clash against the same opposition, footage has emerged from Fulham’s training ground which shows Woodrow’s bad luck for the week didn’t end with his failure from the penalty spot.

The video begins with the ball at the feet of Fulham’s manager, SlaviÅ¡a Jokanović. Woodrow can be seen a matter of yards away from his boss, seemingly adjusting the studs on one of his boots.

The youngster continues to inspect his boots as his manager attempts to pump the ball down field with his right foot, but – unfortunately for the striker – smashes it straight into his face, sending him crashing to the deck.

Jokanović instantly rushes to Woodrow, who remains on the ground for the remainder of the video.

If you’ve ever been on the wrong end of anything like this, you’ll appreciate that it’s *definitely not* a laughing matter – even if someone sticks a comical sound effect  over it for good measure.

Chin up, Cauley. Surely your week can’t get much worse?

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