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29th Sep 2016

Danny Willett’s brother has pissed off American golf fans in some style ahead of Ryder Cup

"Sorry to any American followers... but I mean every word"

Robert Redmond

Pete Willett certainly wouldn’t be welcome at a Donald Trump rally.

The brother of Masters champion Danny Willett made some very disparaging comments about American golf fans in a recent column for National Club Golfer, which – tongue-in-cheek or not – have certainly won him a few new enemies across the Atlantic.

Willett is rooting for the European team, of which his brother is a member, in this weekend’s Ryder Cup, and has some advice on how the team can retain their title at Hazeltine in Minnesota.

‘They need to silence the pudgy, basement-dwelling, irritants, stuffed on cookie dough and pissy beer, pausing between mouthfuls of hotdog so they can scream ‘Baba booey’ until their jelly faces turn red,’ Willett writes.

“They need to stun the angry, unwashed, Make America Great Again swarm, desperately gripping their concealed-carry compensators and belting out a mini-erection inducing ‘mashed potato,’ hoping to impress their cousin.

“They need to smash the obnoxious dads, with their shiny teeth, Lego man hair, medicated ex-wives, and resentful children. Squeezed into their cargo shorts and boating shoes, they’ll bellow ‘get in the hole’ whilst high-fiving all the other members of the Dentists’ Big Game Hunt Society.

“Team Europe need to silence these cretins quickly.”

If the American team needed an article to pin on the wall ahead of the competition this weekend, Willett just provided it and then some. Team Europe captain Darren Clarke, and Willett’s brother Danny, weren’t happy with the comments.

2016 Ryder Cup - Previews

Danny offered an apology for his brother’s extremely unflattering description of Americans.

“I’d just like to apologise obviously to everyone involved for what’s been said,” the British golfer told the Golf Channel.

“It’s obviously not the thoughts of myself and of the team and of captain Darren. I spoke to him (Pete) on the phone after I was made aware of what was said and what has been going on.

“And I said to Pete that I was obviously disappointed in what was said and what was written about the American fans that obviously took me under their wing fantastically back in April (at the Masters).”

And, while some have defended Pete’s comments as clearly tongue-in-cheek, others are less forgiving of his depictions of American fans.

But don’t worry, he took all the criticism in good spirits.

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It might be worth giving Pete a follow on Twitter for his play-by-play take on the Ryder Cup this weekend.

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