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29th Jul 2015

Jose Mourinho hits back at Rafa Benitez’s wife with this haymaker of a comment

Shots fired, shots fired...

Ben Kenyon

It was only a matter of time before Jose Mourinho bit back…and he’s gone for the jugular.

Rafa Benitez’s wife slated Mourinho yesterday saying her husband was continually having to clean up his mess at every European club.

First at Inter Milan, then with Chelsea and then now at Real Madrid, which she blamed for Benitez’s woes.

But Jose being Jose, he wasn’t just going to let this lie. Oh no, he’s come out swinging.

The Chelsea boss has fired back at Montserrat Seara, saying she should be more focussed on her husband’s diet. Ouch.

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Speaking to the Guardian, the Portuguese said: “The lady is a bit confused, with all respect. I’m not laughing, because her husband went to Chelsea to replace Roberto Di Matteo and he went to Real Madrid and replaced Carlo Ancelotti.

“The only club where her husband replaced me was at Inter Milan, where in six months he destroyed the best team in Europe at the time.

“And for her also to think about me and to speak about me, I think she needs to occupy her time, and if she takes care of her husband’s diet she will have less time to speak about me.”

H/T Inside Spanish Football