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31st Jul 2015

Fifa presidential candidate likens Blatter to a cannibal who eats his own family…

Ben Kenyon

Fifa presidential candidate Chung Mong-joon is on the rampage.

The South Korean billionaire is hoping to win the election to replace Sepp Blatter next February, and has firmly distanced himself from the current regime.

While he isn’t expected to emerge as one of the leading challengers, it looks like Mong-joon will at least go down swinging.

This week he came out with some scathing criticism of Blatter and fellow candidate Michel Platini, with some absolutely cracking quotes…

“Platini is good for football, but whether he can be a good FIFA president? I don’t think so. He is a product of the current FIFA system,” said Mong-joon.

“There are several questions we can have whether Platinican sympolise a new era for FIFA or whether he is simply a protege of Blatter.”

“President Blatter is like a cannibal eating his parents and then crying he’s an orphan. He tries to blame everybody except himself.”

That’s the strongest analogy we’ve ever heard.

H/T The Telegraph