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18th Nov 2016

9-year-old kid gives Rory McIlroy the toughest interview of his life

So, so awkward

Conor Heneghan

Trust us, this is brilliant.

Plenty of sports stars have become experts in the art of avoiding difficult questions they’d rather not have to answer these days, but how could you say no to a nine-year old kid?

Rory McIlroy became the latest man in the hot seat as part of the European Tour’s ‘BIG Little Interview’ series, where nine-year old Billy asks some of the world’s most famous golfers questions that most reporters wouldn’t even contemplate.

And we don’t say that lightly in this case.

As well as some gentle ribbing about his hair, his golf clubs and Niall Horan wanting to be his friend, Billy dared to quiz Rory about more sensitive issues such as the Zika virus, women’s tennis players and Tiger Woods’ chat-up lines.

Rory, to be fair to him, handled it all well and even managed a good laugh when Billy hit him with a right zinger at the very end.

Well played Billy; keep up this level of hard-hitting journalism and you’ve a big future ahead.

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