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06th Aug 2015

Ronda Rousey’s gesture for this Brazilian judo school was pure class (Video)

Fists of steel, heart of gold...

Ben Kenyon

Ronda Rousey may have fists of steel and an iron will, but she really does have a heart of gold.

The UFC star has pledged to leave her Championship belt in a Brazilian judo school.

Rousey is in the country after defeating Bethe Correia at UFC 190 and donated her belt to the Instituto Reação in Rio de Janeiro.

“Bethe (Correia) did have one thing right,” Rousey said.

“She said that the Brazilian people deserve to have the belt left here. So I’ve decided that after I win it, I’m going to make sure that when I have the belt, I don’t take it home with me.

“I’m going to give it and make sure that it stays someplace in Brazil as my gift.”

According to MMA, that place is a judo school owned by Flavio Canto, an Olympic Bronze medallist.

Rousey also donated $30,000 to the school back in March, helping train the Jose Aldos of the future.