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25th Mar 2020

Working from home: Survival Guide

Joe Gilmore

Working from home can be a slog

If you work in an office or anywhere outside of your home, you come to associate your abode with a few things: relaxation, switching off, solitude, time to yourself, not being at work. The home is a safe haven from the pressures of the rat race and commuting, away from overpriced lunches and seats that don’t offer the right back protection.

But you work at home now, for the time being at least, so those comforts, that separation, they’re all gone. Your home is now your work.

Great, you might think. My commute is from my hallway to my living room. My work attire is now whatever I find in my drawer/is on the floor. This will be a relaxing time where I can get my best work done.

Wrong. Before you know it the lines between what is work and what is relaxation at home are blurred. Your photocopying sandwiches and eating quarterly projections. You’re a mess. But all is not lost my friend. Follow this invaluable guide and you will learn how to survive working from home.