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07th May 2020

Inside Britain’s lockdown fly-tipping crisis

Rich Cooper

Fly-tipping has increased 300 percent in some areas during lockdown

Since entering lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, the United Kingdom has seen a litany of problems pop up as a result. With many utilities currently not operating, many services that have previously been taken for granted are not available.

With recycling services in many places not currently processing items, there has been a sharp rise in fly-tipping across much of the UK, with increases of up to 300 percent in some areas.

Rural areas are being hit particularly hard, with fly-tippers confident that they can dispose illegally of items in seclusion.

We spoke to Donna, who revealed that the social club she helps run will have to pay for the removal of all the trash dumped on their grounds. She said it will financially ruin the club.

Martin Montague, founder of the fly-tipping watchdog Clear Waste, attributes much of the increase to people doing DIY while confined to their homes during lockdown.

To report fly-tipping, use the free app, Clear Waste.