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09th Jan 2022

‘Deltacron’ variant that combines Delta and Omicron discovered in Cyprus

Kieran Galpin

‘We will see in the future if this strain is more pathological or more contagious or if it will prevail’

A new Covid variant has sprung into existence in Cyprus, but they must have lost inspiration as it’s named ‘Deltacron’. Before you say it, you would be correct in thinking that it’s a mashup of Omicron and Delta.

Leondios Kostrikis, professor of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus, has allegedly discovered 25 cases of the variant. His research has been sent to GISAID, an international database that tracks viruses.

It’s too early to speak on the effects of the new variant, but more information is expected to be revealed over time.

“We will see in the future if this strain is more pathological or more contagious or if it will prevail,” said Professor Kostrikis.

Twenty-five samples of the new strain were taken, 11 from the hospital and a further 14 from those not admitted.

Despite its less than original name, Deltacron is named for its omicron-like genetic signatures within the delta genomes, reports Bloomberg.

This comes as the UK deals with the possibility of Lateral Flow tests no longer being free. Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, who is also the Labour MP for Tooting, tweeted about the shocking revelation.

She said: “The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Lateral flow tests must remain freely available otherwise, as usual, those with the least will be hit hardest. When will this Government learn?”

Similarly, SNP’s Ian Blackford tweeted: “Nothing should surprise us from the Govt of @BorisJohnson but the threat of removing free lateral flow tests is madness. These tests are an important defence to help restrain the growth of cases. This would be highly irresponsible.”

The sentiment was echoed by Greater Manchester’s Mayor Andy Burnham, who urged the PM to “Keep lateral flow tests free”.

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