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03rd Apr 2020

How to shave your head while in self isolation

Wayne Farry

These are trying times

We are all being told to stay at home now and for the foreseeable future, in a bid to keep both ourselves and our fellow citizens. We can do it and we will do it. And when all of this is over we can all have a lovely hug.

But until it is over, things are going to change for a little bit. Little things like going to McDonalds or out for a pizza are simply not possible right now, so we are collectively being forced to take matters into our own hands.

This also applies, unfortunately, to cutting our hair. Now some of you out there might not mind having long, flowing locks, but I am not that person. When my hair grows out, it doesn’t go long so much as it goes wide, like untameable bush in your neighbour’s back garden.

That’s why I went out (as part of a trip to buy essentials, I must add) and purchased some clippers to shave my own head. I documented it, so some of you might do the same. Here’s how to shave your head at home.