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16th Jul 2020

Sadiq Khan: Why don’t our political leaders wear masks?

Oli Dugmore

Masks will soon be mandatory

After months of confusion, tens of thousands of deaths, and mixed messages over their efficacy, face masks will be mandatory for anyone entering a shop from July 24.

In a crisis, those in charge of the major decisions must lead by example. Despite this, there remain a number of political leaders, both at home and overseas, who refuse to wear face masks.

Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro are three of the most high profile global leaders who have, initially at least, refused to do so. Two of them, it must be added, have caught coronavirus.

With all these crossed signals, we sat down for a socially distanced chat with Mayor of London Sadiq Khan to discuss the coronavirus pandemic, when he last spoke to the prime minister, and why everyone should wear a mask.