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04th Jan 2021

Takeaway pints banned under new coronavirus lockdown restrictions

Pubs, bars and restaurants already faced closure under Tier 4 measures, but now it seems that takeaway pints have been prised away too

Alex Roberts

Won’t somebody please think of the pints?

Takeaway pints have been banned under the tightened coronavirus lockdown restrictions.

Pubs, bars and restaurants already faced closure under Tier 4 measures, but now it seems that takeaway beers have been prised away too.

Although they were permitted previously, alcohol orders via delivery and takeaway are now forbidden.

The news comes as Boris Johnson plunged the entirety of England into a full national lockdown for the third time.

All over the country, the public has been given a strict ‘stay at home order’.

Boris Johnson said: “It’s clear that we need to do more together to bring this variant under control while our vaccines are rolled out.”

You might need to wait until the summer before takeaway pints become a reality again. (Photo: iStock by Getty)

The Prime Minister expects this lockdown to last until mid-February at the earliest.

It is also hoped that priority groups will all receive vaccinations by mid-February.

The top four priority groups for the vaccine are:

  • Those in care homes
  • The over 70s
  • Health and care workers
  • The clinically extremely vulnerable.

If all goes to plan, some 13.9 million people will receive a vaccination by the middle of next month.

Schools will close for the majority of pupils from tomorrow, with exams also being scrapped until further notice.

Online learning will resume in place of school closures. Nurseries have been given special dispensation to stay open, however.

There are only five exemptions to the lockdown restrictions:

  • For key workers, or for those where home working isn’t possible such as in construction
  • Essential shop visits for food and medicine
  • One exercise per day, to be done locally
  • For those providing care for vulnerable people
  • To attend medical appointments or to receive medical care
  • Those under threat of harm or violence may also leave their location in search of help