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03rd Sep 2020

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson confirms he and his family tested positive for Covid-19

Wayne Farry

The actor and wrestler confirmed the news on Instagram

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has said that he and his family tested positive for Covid-19. In a video message posted on Instagram, the 48-year-old said that they contracted the virus from close family friends, who themselves were unaware they were infected.

In a video that is almost 12 minutes long, he says that it is one of the most challenging and difficult things that he and his family have had to endure.

“I can tell you that this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we have ever had to endure as a family,” he said in a video posted to Instagram.

“Testing positive for Covid-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries, or being evicted or even being broke, which I have been more than a few times.

“My number one priority is to always protect my family.

“We are counting our blessings right now because we’re well aware that it isn’t always the case that you get on the other end of Covid-19 stronger and healthier.”

Johnson also hit out at those in public life who seek to play down the danger of the virus, and called on everyone to take the necessary precautions to ensure they keep themselves and their families healthy.

“It baffles me that some people out there, including some politicians, will take this idea of wearing masks and make it part of a political agenda.

“It has nothing to do with politics. Wear your mask. It is a fact. And it is the right thing to do.”