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20th Aug 2021

University becomes first in the UK to ban unvaccinated students

Kieran Galpin

UK first as University mandates vaccines for students

Hartpury University and College is the first UK institution to mandate that it be compulsory to be vaccinated if they live in halls of residence. Furthermore, from the new academic year in September, unvaccinated students will also be prohibited from participating in sports and social activities.

Hartpury University and College, most well known for its sporting accolades, announced the new rules in a letter sent to students and parents on August 16.

Claire Whitworth, vice-principal at Hartpury University and College, wrote: “Our expectation is that all eligible students will engage and take up their vaccinations as soon as they are given the opportunity.

“The vaccine protects you, protects others, and will allow us all to lead a ‘new normal’ life, including the best possible Hartpury experience.”

Whitworth continued: “In order to benefit from the most effective protection against Covid-19, it is a mandatory requirement that all eligible students in onsite residential accommodation will engage in the Covid-19 vaccination programme and have both doses of the vaccine when made available to them.

“This also applies to students who wish to join/continue with Hartpury’s sports activities outside of timetabled academic sessions, and those who wish to use Hartpury’s livery.”

However, some parents are not happy with the new rules. “I feel it’s my choice as a mother to say no,” one parent told The Telegraph.

She continued to say that her daughter’s dreams “are in tatters”.

“I’m not an anti-vaxxer but I believe her immune system is strong enough to deal with the virus. Why should she have to prove her medical history?” the concerned parent continued.

“I think their stance is completely inappropriate and it is causing a huge amount of distress to my daughter and the whole family.”

Though numerous Universities in the US have made similar announcements, Hartpury is the first higher learning institution in the UK to do so. Could this mean that other schools follow suit?

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