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11th Sep 2021

‘You had the cure and wouldn’t take it’ Howard Stern says to anti-vaxxers

Kieran Galpin

The TV host gave anti-vaxxers a ‘Stern’ talking to

American radio and television personality Howard Stern has called for Covid-19 vaccine to be mandatory while also referring to anti-vaxxers as ‘idiots’.

Speaking on the SiriusXM satellite radio show, the 67-year-old discussed the recent deaths of anti-vaxx radio hosts.

“As far as I remember, when I went to school, you had to get a measles vaccine, you had to get a mumps vaccine,” he said.

“When are we gonna stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say it’s mandatory to get vaccinated?” he asked.

“F*** ’em. F*** their freedom. I want my freedom to live.

“I want to get out of the house already. I want to go next door and play chess. I want to go take some pictures. This is bu****it.”

The TV personality continued his rant to talk about those choosing not to get vaccinated and then taking up hospital beds.

“If you have a heart attack or any kind of problem, you can’t even get into the E.R. And I’m really of mind to say, ‘Look, if you didn’t get vaccinated and you got Covid, you don’t get into a hospital.'”

Stern isn’t the only celebrity to be growing angry over people rejecting vaccinations. Most recently, Jimmy Kimmel returned from his summer hiatus and gave an introductory monologue dedicated to Covid.

“Dr. Fauci said if hospitals get any more crowded, they’re going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed,” Kimmel said.

The 53-year-old said that a vaccinated person should be admitted to ICU, but “Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, wheezy.”

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