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27th Jul 2021

Boris Johnson ‘sees no reason’ why chain gangs can’t be brought back

Kieran Galpin

Johnson is for chain gangs

As we begin to hopefully/hopelessly edge towards the end/next stage of the pandemic, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has decided to focus on crime.

No, not crimes like allegedly handing public contracts to family members and close friends. Instead he’s focusing on the real stuff, like petty theft and anti-social behaviour.

His new Beating Crime Plan, which will include introducing league tables for 101 and 999 call answering times so that members of the public may see how local forces are responding to calls for help, could include a return of chain gangs, if the PM is to have his way.

Johnson believes ‘fluorescent-jacketed chain gangs’ would work as a deterrent to anti-social behaviour. Standing alongside home secretary Priti Patel, he said the following: “I do think that the lockdown has driven some anti-social behaviour and we need to deal with it. That’s why we are backing the police in the way that we are.

“But I also want to see those who are guilty of anti-social behaviour properly paying their debt to society.

“Somebody’s anti-social behaviour may be treated as a minor crime but it could be deeply distressing to those who are victims.

“If you are guilty of anti-social behaviour and you are sentenced to unpaid work, as many people are, I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t be out there in one of those fluorescent-jacketed chain gangs visibly paying your debt to society.”

Social justice advocacy group Liberty criticised the plans on Twitter:

“Talk of chain gangs shows this plan has nothing to do with making communities safer. It’s designed to create more stigma and division. A short-term stunt that will cause long-term generational harm.”

In the same press conference, the PM also attempted to defend the move to reinstate stop and search powers, describing it as a “kind and loving” way to tackle knife crime.

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