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05th Sep 2022

Police officer shot during drug stop just days before her wedding taken off life support

Steve Hopkins

Seara Burton was due marry the day Phillip Lee appeared in court charged with her murder

A police officer who was shot just days before she was supposed to get married in the US has now been taken off life support.

Seara Burton was due to marry Sierra Neal last month, but nine days before the happy occasion, the 28-year-old was shot in the head during a drugs-related traffic stop in Indiana and rushed to hospital.

On 25 August, after doctors confirmed she would not survive her injuries, the decision was made to take Burton off life support before transferring her to a hospice.

Days earlier, Neal held an impromptu wedding at the hospital.

Richmond Police Department said: “Despite the very best efforts of all the doctors and nurses at Miami Valley Hospital, Officer Seara Burton’s injuries have been determined to be unrecoverable.

“Seara will live on and continue to be a hero with her selfless gift of organ donation.”

Life-support was switched off on September 1.

RPD Major Jon Bales added: “The family is grateful for all of the community support but does request privacy at this time.

“Please be respectful of the family’s wishes while they spend this precious time with Seara.”

Burton and her unit were called to North 12th Street on 10 August after Richmond Narcotics Unit saw Phillip Lee stop at a garage where it was believed a drug deal was taking place.

Burton and her police dog Brev conducted a sniff test on the 47-year-old and his moped, with the dog indicating that narcotics were present.

Lee then allegedly pulled out his gun fired multiple times, hitting Burton.

After he fled on foot, officers caught up with Lee and shot him.

Burton – a four-year veteran of the force and Richmond’s first female K-9 officer – was taken to hospital before being airlifted to Dayton.

Lee made a virtual appearance in court on 19 August, the same day Burton and Neal were due to wed.

The following deal, Neal posted a TikTok video that showed her marrying Burton in her hospital room.

She captioned the post: “This walk was supposed to look a lot different, but I will always be thankful we still got to celebrate. Even if it is not legal on paper, you are my wife. I love you Seara.”

Watch on TikTok



In the footage, Neal can be seen walking through the hospital in a wedding gown as staff line the corridors, arriving at Burton’s bedside.

Lee was charged with attempted murder, unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon and drug charges.

He pled not guilty and is being held on a $1.5 million bond.

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