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01st Nov 2021

Prince Andrew accuses Virginia Giuffre of procuring ‘slutty girls’ for Epstein

Kieran Galpin

‘Do you know any girls who are kind of slutty?’

Prince Andrew’s legal counsel has accused Virginia Giuffre of the “wilful recruitment and trafficking” of “slutty girls” for sexual abuse by the late Jeffrey Epstein.

Giuffre is currently seeking “punitive damages” over claims the Duke of York committed rape and sexual assault against her on three occasions when she was 17 – a claim he denies.

In response, Andrew has filed legal papers in the hopes of providing new evidence and proving his innocence.

The new documents quote Crystal Figueroa, the sister of Giuffre’s ex-boyfriend, who claims Giuffre asked her to assist in procuring young girls.

“She [Giuffre] would say to me, ‘Do you know any girls who are kind of slutty?’”

The court filing continues: “It is a striking feature of this case that while lurid allegations are made against Prince Andrew by Giuffre, the only party to this claim whose conduct has involved the wilful recruitment and trafficking of young girls for sexual abuse is Giuffre herself, including while she was an adult.”

Also attached is an American newspaper report, which describes Giuffre as a “money hungry sex kitten”.

Quotes from former friends also say she enjoyed the lifestyle and allegedly bragged about the money it provided.

In response, Sigrid McCawley, Giuffre’s lawyer, said: “If Virginia Giuffre had stood silent in the face of outrageous statements like those Prince Andrew routinely churns out — his motion to dismiss the litigation being no exception — the decades-long sex-trafficking ring his friend Jeffrey Epstein operated and he participated in would have never been exposed.”

However Andrew’s lawyer, Andrew Brettler, has said: “Accusing a member of the world’s best known royal family of serious misconduct has helped Giuffre create a media frenzy online and in the traditional press. It is unfortunate, but undeniable, that sensationalism and innuendo have prevailed over the truth.”

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