1. When Dennis rediscovered feelings:
2. When Charlie tried to impress his date:
3. And then gave an order of the highest class:
4. When Dennis knew he was going to get laid… because of the implication:
5. When the show had the perfect opening sequence:
6. And also another one:
7. When Charlie asked the really important questions:
8. When Mac and Dennis tried to get Charlie into online dating:
9. When Frank got himself stuck in a coil in just his underwear:
10. When the gang tried to figure out Charlie’s dreams:
11. When Mac got psychoanalysed:
12. When Charlie dazzled with his resume:
13. When Mac went to dinner with Dennis and Frank went to dinner with Charlie:
14. When Dennis went full Dennis:
15. When Charlie challenged a lawyer on bird law:
16. When Dennis and Dee knew how to push Charlie’s buttons:
17. When Mac and Dennis moved to the suburbs:
18. When Charlie found a new use for chalk:
19. When Frank took the gang dating:
20. When Mac didn’t get the joke:
21. When the waitress gave Charlie her number:
22. When Dennis told Charlie to get a job:
23. When Mac tried to just casually bring something up with Dennis:
24. When Mac and Charlie were white trash:
25. When Dee was intent on ruining Charlie’s musical:
26. When Charlie wanted to talk about the mail: