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02nd Mar 2018

Anchorman 3 could be happening as the director shares his idea for the bonkers plot

Paul Moore

The return of Ron Burgundy. We’re very aroused.

While Anchorman 2 didn’t quite hit the comedic heights of the original, there’s no denying that Adam McKay and Will Ferrell still know how to make audiences laugh. Truth be told, the scene where Ron tells his son that he needs to stay away from voodo because “that shit will mess you up. That shit is real. Promise me, you’ll never go to Haiti” was just as funny as anything we’ve seen before.

Well, it appears that if Ron Burgundy and the Channel 4 News Team return to complete the trilogy, they’ll be going into a very different danger zone. No, they’re not going back with Veronica to her home on Whore Island or Haiti. Instead, Adam McKay plans on sending the boys to war.

In an interview with CinemaBlend, the director of Step Brothers and The Big Short was asked about the possibility of a third Anchorman film. He said: “I can give you like a little half sentence. I don’t know if you remember the first and even the second Iraq war. Maybe it was mainly the second Iraq war. They embedded journalists and that gave us kind of a whole story idea… I don’t want to say too much, but I’ll just tell you that embedded journalist, Ron Burgundy, Veronica Corningstone, the news team. That definitely gave us a big idea.”

In a previous interview with  Yahoo, McKay gave a few other details about what a third Anchorman film might involve.

“We talked about doing one that was about the rise of the new media.  I also thought there was something to the idea – and who knows, maybe we will do one some day – I also thought it’d be cool to have Ron Burgundy get embedded in the Iraq War. We kicked around that idea. But we’ve never got that serious about it, but it would have to be the next stage of what the media has become. I think it’s the Internet. The only thing is by then Burgundy would be getting pretty old. So maybe it’s a movie we make in 10 years, when Will’s aged up and it actually makes sense that you can set it in 1997 or ’98,” he said.

Regarding a return to the character that has “a voice that could make a wolverine purr and suits so fine they made Sinatra look like a hobo,” Will Ferrell has been quite open about the possibility.

“Never say never. At the same time, that’s what’s really fun about those characters — it could be 10 years from now and we can still play those guys and just be older… and even dumber. So that’s the beauty of that. There are no imminent plans to return to that as of yet, because, I can’t speak for [director] Adam [McKay], but for myself, we still have a lot of other original ideas that we’d like to do,” said Ferrell.

The Channel 4 News Team reporting from a war zone? Yeah, we can see that happening. After all, they do have experience.

Clip via – Cimoko Nera