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28th May 2022

Amber Heard’s lawyer blasts Johnny Depp for “laughing and making snide remarks” during closing arguments

Danny Jones

‘Who does that?’

Amber Heard’s lawyer, Ben Rottenborn, has criticised Johnny Depp for “laughing and making snide remarks” during his closing arguments and throughout the high-profile defamation case.

Speaking before his fellow attorney Elaine Bredehoft on Friday, Rotternborn called out the 58-year-old actor on his conduct throughout the trial, insisting: “it’s not a laughing matter”.

Rottenborn was circling back to a series of texts Depp sent to various showbiz friends following the alleged abuse and prior to the current US case, as well as the now well-publicised video of him slamming cabinets in anger and launching his ex-wife’s phone after he spotted her filming him.


He goes on to say, “Do you see Ms Heard laughing in that?” – a claim his lawyers have made during cross-examination of that particular piece of evidence – insisting that is it is Depp who is the one laughing “in this courtroom right now is the one laughing and making snide remarks as that video is being played”.

The 36-year-old actor’s counsel stated earlier this week that they would not be calling Depp back to the stand as they consider him completely “uncontrollable as a witness“.

Depp was seen laughing in one particular moment involving Rottenbron, specifically, as the Stanford Law School graduate appeared to object to his own question back in April.

With the seven-week trial now having concluded, the jury has now been sent away to decide and is expected to deliver a final verdict sometime early next week, with the Washington Post stating that deliberations will continue on Tuesday.

You can watch both sides’ closing arguments in full down below:

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