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22nd Feb 2018

Cheryl and Liam revealed their ‘safe word’ at the BRITs because it’s an important thing we need to know, obviously

Hang on, that's actually two words


Don’t stop.

Last night at the Brit Awards, nothing else is worth noting aside from Cheryl revealing that her and Liam’s safe word is ‘Don’t stop’.

Behold the inconvenient truth:

Many of us could have spent our entire lives blissfully unaware that Liam and Cheryl had a safe word, let alone that it was ‘Don’t stop’.

This staggering news has come at a crucial time where approximately nine people were truly concerned that the pair were heading towards a break up. But this saucy little revelation has surely put those rumours safely to bed.

While it’s all fun and games, we must acknowledge that Cheryl’s safe word actually consists of two words, which is a direct violation of the legalities of having a safe word. It must be one word in total. Cheryl is taking liberties with her safe word, perhaps for comedic effect. But if she wants to see a strong success rate with her safe word, she needs to consider cutting it down to just one singular word.

I took to the streets of London to gauge the reaction to this powerful revelation. What follows is a sample of the responses I got.


“It must be a slow news day today”

“I do not care”

“F**k off”

“Okay. Thanks for letting me know”

Basically, the point that Cheryl was trying to get across was that herself and her boyfriend with a net worth of £54 million are extremely happy together and will not be splitting up.ever. How could they possibly call time on a relationship that has such banter as ‘Don’t stop’ being their safe word. The banter is relentless. People die having never experienced such an intense level of banter in their entire lives. A safe word usually signifies that someone wants to halt the proceedings, but ‘Don’t stop’ will confuse the other party. Pandemonium will ensue! It is very funny.

Anyway, Cape Town is about to run out of water. It’s looking like the city’s entire population of 4 million people are going to have their access to water completely cut off as soon as July. This is huge. Please read about that rather than celebrity trash.