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14th Nov 2018

Ghostbusters film with original cast “being written right now”, Dan Aykroyd confirms

Wayne Farry

A new Ghostbusters film looks like it is on the way

It’s one of the most beloved movie franchises of all time, and now it would appear that Ghostbusters is returning with its original cast.

The very first Ghostbusters film was released in 1984 starring Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson as the main protagonists, with Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis also starring.

That first film received a sequel in 1989, before an all-female cast version was released in 2016. That film was warmly received but – in spite of this – was the target of online abuse mostly on account of it having an all-female cast.

Even before the latest edition though fans were begging out for an extension of the series, featuring the original cast, and if recent comments by original cast member and writer Dan Aykroyd are to be believed, then that wish may soon be granted.

In an episode of The Big Interview With Dan Rather, Aykroyd confirmed that a script for the latest edition of the series was being written for a film featuring the original cast, aside from the late Ramis, who passed away in 2014.

“There is a possibility of a reunion with the three remaining Ghostbusters… It’s being written right now. I think Billy will come. The story’s so good. Even if he plays a ghost,” he said, potentially referring to a theory that Murray could play a ghost in the new film.

Whether this plays out as fans hope remains to be seen, but Aykroyd seems confident enough, and that’s good enough for us.