Today has been better than yesterday – because the full Glastonbury line-up is here.
But what follows now is meticulous planning on to decipher who to see and who to forfeit, which, of course, will be scrapped as soon as you’re on site, knee-deep in mud and swilling gut-rotting cider.
Still, as a rite of passage it has to be done.

If Glasto veterans find planning their weekend a tricky task, you can only imagine what it’s like for festival organisers Michael and Emily Eavis.
With 1000 acts over 10 stages this year, planning it isn’t just a conundrum, it is the most mind-bending Killer Soduku you’ve ever played – no wonder it has taken them all ruddy year.
“It is quite a big moment getting it out there,” Emily said today on BBC 6 Music. “We’ve been booking bands since last July, Burt Bacharach only came in last week.
“Every stage has a different audience, it takes all year to make sure things run at the same time, there are some clashes…”
With innumerous hours being lost down the Rabbit Hole and Crows’ Nest over the years, it turns out there’s a new area to lose your marbles in.
“In the spinney up on the hill,” Emily told 6 Music DJ Lauren Laverne. “It’s next to the park, it looks like a small wood…within those trees there’s going to be things happening.”
24 days and counting…