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19th Jul 2016

HBO confirm we won’t be seeing the new season of Game of Thrones for quite some time

Now we play the waiting game.

Kevin Beirne

Welcome to the void.

Here we are, just waiting patiently for the next season of Game of Thrones. The sixth season was arguably the best in the show’s run, as the creators were finally freed from the constraints of the book which hampered the progress of season five so badly.

*Spoiler alert*

We don’t want to spoil it for any of you, but then again if you’re reading an article about next season of the show then we’re going to assume you’re up to date and that you already know about Jon Snow’s return from the dead, Arya’s progression into a faceless assassin and Tyrion’s troubles with organising a reliable but efficient tax scheme for the city of Mereen (hey, it’s not all dragons and magic).

But while we wait for the next season to roll around, HBO have delivered some of the terrible news we all knew was coming but had been hoping was just rumour, as production of season seven will be delayed.


As we all know, the end of season six brought with it winter and so the final stage of the story is ready to begin. But this has some real-world ramifications, with HBO confirming that production on the new season will be pushed back so that they can film in colder weather, according to Entertainment Weekly.

The American network also confirmed that season seven will only have a run of seven episodes and will not air until sometime next summer instead of the usual premiere time of April. Although they have not made any announcement on how episodes the final season will have, it is expected to carry just six episodes.

While this may seem like a bad thing, it could be a case of less being more for Game of Thrones fans as the reduced production costs and times from cutting extra episodes will allow the show’s creators to make the final 13 episodes to a higher quality an utilise expensive computer animations more – and by that we mean giving us more fucking dragons.

And let’s be honest, we all want more dragons. Snapchat