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25th Apr 2023

Incredible new PlayStation game will launch for free for certain players

Rory Cashin

We’ve played some of the game and it is absolutely bonkers and brilliant.

Whenever PlayStation announce that they’ll be making a Day One release free for players, then you should absolutely sit up and pay attention. It doesn’t happen very often, but when it does – such as with Stray last year – then you know you’re in for a treat.

It will also be the case with upcoming release Humanity, which can best be described as Portal-meets-Lemmings. You control a glowing dog (stay with us) in a floating platform purgatory-esque world (seriously, stay with us), and using a series of simple commands, you must direct hundreds of humans towards a glowing light that will… take them to heaven? Maybe?

We’ll be honest, we haven’t fully worked out what everything in it means just yet…

The beta of Humanity was released on PS5 a few weeks back, giving players access to the first ten or so levels, and they were the perfect mix of juuuuust tricky enough without feeling so unfairly difficult that they turn the player off the idea of wanting to continue.

When the game launches next month, PlayStation will be making it free from day one for PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium subscribers, and will be available to play on PS4 and PS5, as well as the PSVR and the PSVR2.

Humanity will be available from Tuesday 16 May.

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