Everyone was saying the same thing.
So today’s episode of The Jeremy Kyle Show was as you would expect from, well, The Jeremy Kyle Show.
Making an appearance on the show was Denon, who as you can imagine has been having a spot of domestic drama recently.
He – a brown-haired man – came on to say that his ex-girlfriend Chloe cheated on him with a ginger bloke, leading to doubts over his being the father of their child Mason. A little ginger boy, no less.
Denon added that Chloe wouldn’t let him see 19-month-old Mason and that he wasn’t allowed to be present for the birth.
He said: “If he is my son I want contact, I want to be involved in his life and be his father.”
However, when Chloe took to the stage, viewers noticed something that explained the whole situation.
Jeremy asked her if her son has ginger hair.
Chloe replied: “Yeah he has got ginger hair, but my mum and my nan have ginger hair.”
And lo and behold the DNA test revealed that Denon was Mason’s father. Leading viewers to all say the same thing.
Is it just me or is it obvious that she's ginger under that black hair dye?! #jeremykyle
— Emma O'Leary (@EM51_BBY) January 25, 2018
#jeremykyle erm…. she's a ginger isn't she?
— Francesca Bradford
(@cesca_uk) January 25, 2018
As if she thought that would get overlooked on national telly.