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16th Jul 2016

‘Love Actually’ was on telly last night, but it was for a very good reason…actually

Love is all around...all year round

Declan Cashin

It was like Christmas in July last night for British TV viewers – literally.

ITV2 aired perennial festive movie favourite Love Actually last night – which, in case you’re the forgetful sort, was a muggy, hot-rainy summer’s evening.

People were surprised about the movie’s scheduling  – aside from its Christmassy theme – because ITV2 had originally listed The Dark Knight as its Friday night movie.


However, ITV2 swapped the Oscar-winning Batman movie for the romantic comedy and explained why in a tweet from its official account:

It’s not specified but “recent events” is presumably a reference to the horrific carnage in Nice, and perhaps even the turmoil in Turkey. And indeed given the violence and terrorism-themes of that 2008 movie, this seems like a good call on behalf of the TV station.

At least one viewer didn’t quite agree, though.

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Some viewers pointed out that the movie is shown in such regular rotation on TV that it might actually start warping our sense of reality:

However, most people didn’t seem to mind one bit that they’d be spending their Friday watch Hugh, Martine and Emma and their festive frolics.

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That being said, there was still some momentary confusion:

And not everyone is a fan of the movie, as if we need reminding.

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At least this unseasonal talk of Love Actually has led us to discover a frankly genius idea for a more up-to-date remake, given the new political situation in the UK:
