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23rd Jul 2018

This was the most BRUTAL moment of tonight’s lie detector test

So tonight was the night

Rebecca O'Keeffe

So tonight was the night

Yep, it was lie detector night.

Since Love Island began a lengthy seven-and-a-bit weeks ago, it’s what everyone has been waiting for (well, that and Meet The Parents… and the baby), and tonight it finally came about.

And boy, did it deliver.

Josh pretty much passed with flying colours, answering all but one question truthfully.

He even admitted to falling in love with Kaz, which is pretty damn cute.

Wes, on the other hand, made Meghan cry when he said she wasn’t wife material. Sad4u.

However, the most brutal moment was when Jack and Laura had their turn.

Jack had new Laura writing questions (current bae), but Laura Anderson (former bae) was asking them. SWEET LORD it was awkward.

It went down hill from there.

Jack was asked if he still had feelings for old Laura – and he said no.


Needless to say old Laura was NOT happy!

Then Laura Anderson asked: “Is new Laura a better kisser than old Laura?”

And the loyalty continued, with Jack saying “Yes”.

Jack ended his romance with Laura on Wednesday, after he hit it off with new Laura.


Love Island