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05th Apr 2016

Making A Murderer: New evidence could prove Steven Avery’s innocence

Murder victim Teresa Halbach's mobile phone could prove crucial.

Paul Moore

Kathleen Zellner – lawyer for Steven Avery, the man at the centre of Netflix’s Making A Murderer – thinks that Teresa Halbach left Avery’s property alive.

While Jerome Buting and Dean Strang couldn’t acquit Avery of his 2005 conviction for the murder of Teresa Halbach, Avery’s new lawyer Zellner seems quite confident that she’ll be able to uncover new evidence that will prove her client’s innocence.

It seems that she’s focusing on one particular area to built her case around mobile phone records that could prove Halback left Avery’s salvage yard alive.

In an interview with Newsweek, Zellner has gone into more detail regarding tower triangulation technology and how this technology has only been recently accepted as a conclusive and legitimate source of evidence in a court of law.

Using this technology, she believes that Halbach’s last living moments were spent more than 10 miles away from Avery’s home.

“[These records] document her route leaving the property. She goes back the same way she came, she’s 12 miles from the property on the last ping…It’s really hard to figure out how in the world the defense did not seize on this. It would have created reasonable doubt.”

If this evidence is presented in court, it’s very possible that the presumed timeline of events that was put forward by prosecutor Ken Kratz could be questioned.