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19th Apr 2022

Man holds pee long enough to break Guinness World Record watching Spider-Man: No Way Home 292 times

Danny Jones

It is a pretty good Marvel movie, to be fair…

A man from Florida (it’s always Florida) has broken the Guinness World Record for watching Spider-Man: No Way Home – or any cinematic release, for that matter – the most times, clocking up a whopping 292 views.

Ramiro Alanis, who goes by ‘The Avenging Tiger’ on Twitter, shared this record-breaking update back in March but news of his incredible feat was recently spotlighted by The Wrap, who broke down the various details behind his achievement.

Spending nearly 720 hours watching the same Spidey flick over and over again, he did what he good to keep things fresh by documenting his efforts in this fun video montage:

Spending an estimated total of $3,400 (just over £2.6k) on cinema tickets to pull it off, Alanis would watch up to five screenings a day and, as per Guinness World Record rules, was unable to nip to the toilet or perform any other activity until the credits had finished rolling – luckily there’s always something to stick around for when it comes to Marvel movies.

As if that wasn’t difficult enough, he even had to provide his ticket stub and a written statement from an employee at the cinema to prove he had obeyed the rules each time. Imagine the dedication of the person who’s got to go through all of that rigmarole five times in a single day…

Perhaps the craziest part is that he has actually held the record before – and with another Marvel, no less – having watched Avengers: Endgame (a three-hour film, might we remind you) a total of 191 times back in March 2021.

Despite being beaten by Arnaud Klein, who watched Kaamelott: First Instalment (a two-hour film) 204 times, Alanis was back less than a year later, racking up nearly a load of viewings between December 16, 2021 and March 15, 2022.

As per IGN, Ramiro was determined to retake the record in honour of his grandmother who sadly died in 2019 before she could see his original world record attempt confirmed. “She was my #1 supporter and I want to remain the record holder,” he said. “If anyone tries to break my record again, I want them to think twice before attempting it.”

Well, mate, you’ve done it. Your bladder might not have thanked you for it – but your grandma certainly would have been proud.

Do you agree with JOE‘s Marvel film tier list and where does No Way Home belong on there?

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