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14th Jul 2022

Ms Marvel finale gives fans huge X-Men hint for the MCU

Charlie Herbert

Spoiler warning  for a whole host of Marvel things

The not-so-subtle reference has got fans very excited

The ending to Ms Marvel has provided fans with a huge hint that the X-Men may finally be entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

During the acclaimed Disney+ series, Kamala Khan, a.k.a Ms Marvel, is revealed to have inherited her powers to create and control hard-light energy constructs from another dimension. This is thanks to her Djinn family DNA.

But this doesn’t explain why she is the only one in her family who can harness these powers, something that clearly bugs her best friend and science boffin Bruno.

So in the final episode, we get a flash forward to a week after the events of the finale. Here Bruno informs Kamala that her DNA contains “a mutation.”

Any comic fan worth their weight in salt will immediately jump to one group when they hear that word – the X-Men.

And at the same time, the theme tune to the iconic 90s X-Men cartoon plays.

Of course, the relationship between the X-Men and the MCU has long been a complicated one.

The rights to the X-Men – and other franchises such as the Fantastic Four – were tied up with Fox Studios, even though they were Marvel comics. So none of these characters could ever appear in MCU films such as The Avengers.

But Disney’s merger with Fox meant the rights to these characters were back in the hands of Marvel and opened the door to them being able to finally enter the MCU.

Fans first got a taste of this in the Doctor Strange sequel, where Patrick Stewart reprises his role as Professor Xavier. But this is on a multiverse version of Earth, as opposed to the one where pretty much all MCU events take place.

So does this Ms Marvel teaser mean that mutants have alway existed in the MCU?

We’re sure to get more answer in the 33rd MCU film, The Marvels, which is set to be released next July.

This will feature Ms Marvel alongside Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel and Teyonah Parris’s Monica Rambeau from WandaVision.

It will also see Samuel L. Jackson reprise his role as Nick Fury, who has been working with the Skrulls in deep space.

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